Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Our Latest Updates From Packaging Options Direct

Electronic Cigarette Supplies Bottles, Droppers, Caps and More

At Packaging Options Direct, we are fully aware that vaping, e-cigarettes, e-juice, or e-liquid is becoming more common in the United States, and around the world. We thank our customers for choosing us for all their e-cigarette supply needs.
According to the e-cigarette Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association, the industry is expecting to break the $1billion mark this year. There are many new laws and regulations coming and the industry does a good job of working with the regulators. On fact is certain, e-cigarette use and purchasing of supplies is not showing any signs of slowing down. Packaging Options Direct is prepared to supply bottles, droppers, caps, closures, and more to support this fast growing industry.

Shaping Up - "BRI"ef: 103

In the last BRI”ef, we reviewed packaging categories. These are the general terms used to describe a package, such as bottle, jar, jug, etc. Once you know the general category of container you are looking for, the next step is to determine what shape of container you want.

Packaging Your Product Is Important: Glass vs Plastic - View Infographic

Glass Is A Great Option

Creating awesome products is fun. Choosing how to package them in the most elegant manner can be more challenging. As you know, Packaging Options Direct offers glass, plastic, metal tins and more options. We are not here to tell you which option is best for your product, although, we scour the internet for cool information to provide to you.

Glass vs Plastic For Your Product

The below infographic from our friends at BottlesUp Glass illustrates why glass may (depending on your product) be a better option for your product.
Omnibus Survey: Glass vs Plastic

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Brewing Beer - Resource Guide, Best Practices & Great Finds

Our team here at Packaging Options Direct has compiled the best beer bottling resources from across the internet. From start to finish, this is your guide on the best beer brewing tips, resources, supplies, equipment and more.
In the below video, Jeremy Frey of F.H. Steinbart Company shows you some of the ingredients that you are going to need to brew a good batch of beer. This video is great for the person getting started in home beer brewing and as a refresher for the beer brewing novice.

Link to video:

Brewing Beer 101
A simple Google search on how to brew beer will result in 1,000’s of resources, The amount of information is overwhelming and there are many opinions on the best ingredients, equipment and best processes.
Here is a quick overview on the beer brewing process:
1. Malted barley is soaked in hot water to release the malt sugars.
2. The malt sugar solution is boiled with Hops for seasoning.
3. The solution is cooled and yeast is added to begin fermentation.
4. The yeast ferments the sugars, releasing CO2 and ethyl alcohol.
When the main fermentation is complete, the beer is bottled and capped with a little bit of added sugar to provide the carbonation.

Beer Brewing Supplies and Equipment 
Brewing beer for yourself, friends, family, events or for purchase is a creative process. Choosing where to buy and what portions of barley, wheat and hops can be a fun process. The good thing is there are a ton of great websites to find and experiment with these ingredients. To jump into the conversation and learn about rare hops, specialty malts and exotic yeasts, check out The HomeBrew Forum or Home Brew Talk.
Getting started is easy with a home beer brewing kit and there are many to choose from, depending on how much money you want to spend. For those more experienced, our friends at More Beer seemed to have a wide selection of parts, supplies and equipment.
We might be biased, although, having the best bottles and caps to show off your beer is important. Check out the selection of 12, 16, and 22 ounce classic longneck round amber glass beer bottles. At Packaging Options Direct, we have a full selection of beer bottles to showcase your beer.
Steps to Get Better at Brewing Beer
Brewing beer is an iterative process and listed below are three tips to get better:
1. Buy the right equipment.
2. Use the freshest ingredients.
3. Keep your work area clean and sanitize your equipment as best as you can.
The important part is...have fun!

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Glass Bottles & Jars

Glass Bottles & Jars

Whether you’re searching for the perfect container for your new home brew or need a creative and affordable packaging solution for your company’s latest food or beauty product, glass bottles and jars provide a wealth of options for projects and products of all types. Ranging in size, color and price, explore the glass bottles and jars below to find the perfect solution for your packaging needs.
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